
AFSA has embarked on an official collaboration with the largest network of school leaders in Italy, Senza Zaino.

Lizzy Crispin headed the committee that led Leonardo da Vinci High School to become the first and only Blue Ribbon high school in Buffalo, New York.

John Sweeney, former president of the AFL-CIO, died Feb. 1. Sweeny dedicated his life to working people. He was an organizer, working the streets looking to help people have a voice in their workplaces.
Submit a paragraph that speaks to what Black History Month means to you.

I’ve been feeling kind of white lately. Maybe it’s some of that white fragility Robin DiAngelo warns us about, but more and more often when I hear somebody say “disproportionately people of color,” it sounds like they’re also saying poor and working-class white people don’t matter. That makes me queasykind of fragile, I guess.