Our Mission and Vision Are Clear for 2023-2024


Public School Administrators and Supervisors Association

AFSA Local #25

 The Public School Administrators and Supervisors Association’s vision is to empower educational excellence through our shared unity and collaboration, to foster a sense of togetherness and cooperation among our school administrators and supervisors who will work collectively to create a positive impact on Baltimore City Public Schools, and to elevate the quality of education provided to all students. Our staunch advocacy for policies that support PSASA administrators in their professional growth will result in a brighter and more promising future for all involved in the educational community. 

Our Mission: Advocating, Empowering, and Elevating Educational Leadership for a Thriving Learning Community.

In this mission statement, the Public School Administrators and Supervisors Association outlines its core objectives and commitments. PSASA’s primary purpose is to advocate on behalf of school administrators and supervisors, ensuring their voices are heard and their needs are met in the educational landscape of Baltimore City. Through empowerment, PSASA aims to provide resources, professional development opportunities, and support to administrators, fostering their growth and success in their roles. PSASA also seeks to elevate the importance of effective educational leadership, recognizing the vital role administrators and supervisors play in creating a positive, equitable, and thriving learning environment for all. By uniting all of our members while collaborating with all stakeholders, PSASA strives to contribute to the continuous improvement of the educational system, ensuring every student has access to high-quality education and opportunities for a prosperous future.