
Juneteenth is more than a day of celebration; it is a moment of profound historical significance that underscores the enduring struggle for equality and justice in America that continues to this day.

Sweetwater Union High School District (Caifornia) principals and assistant principals are the latest group of school administrators to join AFSA, as part of the Administrators Association Sweetwate

Private sector workers are guaranteed the right to organize under federal law; public sector workers should be, too.
As principals, vice principals, directors, supervisors and other school leaders, we know the best way to turn this trend around is a heavy-duty investment in our students and educators.

As artificial intelligence (AI) takes center stage in discussions in every community and every industry, AFSA has been doing a great deal of research on how it will impact public education and your jobs.

As a starting point, we asked AI a few questions on the subject. Take a look at the answers we got back.

New resources and protections address mental health challenges and curbing gun violence in our communities.
President Biden has met the moment in the face of extraordinary opposition and pulled us back from what could have been an intractable circumstance.
A delegation of Italian school leaders visited San Francisco to gain firsthand accounts regarding evidence-based practices that produce equitable student learning outcomes in a post-COVID-19 pandemic environment.
Negotiations were long and arduous and could not have culminated in an agreement without the steadfast support of every member.