
This past weekend, we hosted a Food Truck Pop up for our members at the Baltimore City Schools District Offices as a way to say thank you and be in community! Thank you to all that attended!

Our Mission: Advocating, Empowering, and Elevating Educational Leadership for a Thriving Learning Community.
AFSA has embarked on an official collaboration with the largest network of school leaders in Italy, Senza Zaino.
The United States needs “a working-class media” to “recover” control of the national conversation about income inequality, class and race.

Fires are raging everywhere in California these days, and firefighters are having enormous trouble keeping up. Chronically understaffed local fire departments simply don’t have the resources to handle Act #1 of what climate change has in store for us.

National Nurses United, the activist and progressive nurses union that was the first to endorse Sen. Bernie Sanders’s 4 years ago, did it again.
Staff members at the Southern Poverty Law Center have formally filed election authorization cards to unionize.