
The Boston Association of School Administrators & Supervisors (BASAS), Local 6, has announced significant leadership changes.
The National Memorial to Fallen Educators stands as a beacon, reminding the world of the sacrifices made by these educators and the enduring love of their families and communities.
Winners honored for achievement and union values.

AFL-CIO Convention delegates, including five representing AFSA,  elected Liz Shuler to serve as president of the federation of 57 unions and 12.5 million members. Shuler is the first woman to hold the office in the history of the labor federation. Delegates also elected Fred Redmond to serve as secretary-treasurer, the first African American person to hold the office. 

"We call on the Biden administration to do its part to assist borrowers hampered by crippling debt.
The Department's Office for Civil Rights will solicit public comments to help decide how best to improve current regulations to assist America's students with disabilities.
“This just goes to show you don’t need to be afraid of being fired for organizing your store! You will get justice, it just takes some time."

The nation’s largest union, the 3-million-member National Education Association, has asked its members and allies to demand an end to federal dollars being spent on for-profit corporate charter schools.

“All schools that receive public funds should be held to the same excellence, equity, and transparency standards as district-run public schools," said the NEA in a statement released April 7. "The original intent of charter schools was to provide a space for educators to be more flexible and innovative."  

Cristine Holmer has a lot to be proud of.

As food services area supervisor, managing all of the food services in the Hoover High cluster of the San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD), she is highly respected among her peers. Holmer puts her heart into everything she does, on the job and in her free time. 

She began her worklife running a family-owned business for 12 years.