
Juneteenth is more than a day of celebration; it is a moment of profound historical significance that underscores the enduring struggle for equality and justice in America that continues to this day.

Sweetwater Union High School District (Caifornia) principals and assistant principals are the latest group of school administrators to join AFSA, as part of the Administrators Association Sweetwate

Private sector workers are guaranteed the right to organize under federal law; public sector workers should be, too.
AFSA Member Herb Gardner, an Army veteran and a lifelong educator.
Schools across the nation are filled with students and educators facing critical mental health issues and staff shortages, and principals are lacking the necessary resources needed to handle this growing crisis .
It is up to us as school leaders to help drive the discussion on what the future of public education should look like to provide our students with a world-class education.

The AFSA family is expanding!

"We believe it goes without saying that school leaders across the nation continue to see the need to come together and have a real voice at the table. And that interest is obviously growing," said AFSA President Dr. Leonard P. Pugliese. "It fills me with great joy to see our strength as a union continue to expand."

Since the July 2022 convention, the General Executive Board has granted charters to four groups:

The results show the profound toll on student learning during the pandemic, as the size and scope of the declines are the largest ever in mathematics.