
Juneteenth is more than a day of celebration; it is a moment of profound historical significance that underscores the enduring struggle for equality and justice in America that continues to this day.

Sweetwater Union High School District (Caifornia) principals and assistant principals are the latest group of school administrators to join AFSA, as part of the Administrators Association Sweetwate

Private sector workers are guaranteed the right to organize under federal law; public sector workers should be, too.
“As a child, we sometimes struggled financially and were always moving, but I had this very cool teacher, Mr. Madigan, who saw something in me and met with my mom and encouraged her not to move again, for the sake of my achievement.”
Black History Month opens the door for us as a nation to take on difficult issues. Truthful and honest history can open the door to understanding and caring.
With schools facing increased costs from inflation and a growing educator shortage, it is imperative these federal resources are not taken away in future negotiations on spending caps. Indeed, we urge the president not only to defend these investments in Pre-K–12 programs, but to increase funding to, in his own words, “finish the job.”
As the only Black teacher, and the only male, John allowed other teachers to observe his classes.
“Looking back at my own childhood, I saw how important it was for me to mentor young girls in particular. I didn’t have any of that myself. I believe that God has destined me for this role, and that belief drives me every single day.”
In just the last three weeks of this new year, there have been 40 shootings. There were 647 mass shootings in 2022 alone. Firearms are now the No. 1 cause of death among American children.