
Juneteenth is more than a day of celebration; it is a moment of profound historical significance that underscores the enduring struggle for equality and justice in America that continues to this day.

Sweetwater Union High School District (Caifornia) principals and assistant principals are the latest group of school administrators to join AFSA, as part of the Administrators Association Sweetwate

Private sector workers are guaranteed the right to organize under federal law; public sector workers should be, too.
Principal Mary Ann Buchanan, Ed.D., of Southwest School in Torrington, Connecticut, seems to be game for almost anything.
This month, the Montgomery County Association of Administrators and Principals (MCAAP) have officially become AFSA Local 146.
I know firsthand what it feels like to walk a picket line.

Never one to pull his punches when supporting workers and opposing capitalist greed, Pope Francis I blames deaths and injuries on the job on corporate dehumanization of workers.

The pope told the Italian Association of Injured Workers those “tragedies begin when the goal is no longer man, but productivity, and a man becomes a production machine.” 

Billions for stock buybacks for corporate honchos and Wall Street financiers. Pennies for workers’ pay.